Healing …A word we hear so often ..
What does it mean to you?
The literal meaning of Healing is to restore health. To Ease or Relieve any Pain, Physical, or Emotional.
Ever wondered why all of us are suffering so much today. Science is inventing more and more new diseases and disorders…. Were only our generation and the next meant to go through it… What was so different from our grandparents and ancestors that they had a much healthier life?
One major difference is that they listened to their bodies and mind. They followed the signals their system gave them, Followed a life that gave enough and more importance to their emotions as much as their physical body.
We on the other hand have turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the signals our own body and mind give us.
How many of you go ahead and do something and when it fails to turn around and say ” I Knew I shouldn’t have done that,I had a gut Feeling”
Gut? your Intuition? Sixth Sense? A Signal? Why have we gone deaf?
Why have we complicated life and lifestyles so much where we do not have time for ourselves.
Did you know that Your Body has a magical power to heal itself? yes? heard that before?
Who told you? one of the books? maybe an elderly person you chose to ignore?
But yes it does. It has the power some call as ‘Chi’ some ‘Prana’ but let’s simplify it … Its an Energy, Just like Solar energy, Cosmic Energy, you have an energy that flows through your body, and as soon as you are in touch with it and are doing things to allow it to flow without blockages your body automatically HEALS.
In the coming days, I am going to introduce you to certain Modalities I have been practicing, teaching, and performing on people to help them get in touch with their power to heal.
See u soon.